QDI 7月

&参考文献1.�Geistlich Pharma North America,Inc. Bio-oss Collagen. The essential choice with the benefits of improved handling. www.geistlich-na.com2.�Camelo M, Nevins ML, Schenk RK, Simion M, Rasperini G, Lynch SE, Nevins M. Clinical, radiographic, and histologic evaluation of human periodontal defects treated with Bio-Oss and Bio-Gide. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 1998 ;18(4): 321-331.3.�Nevins ML, Camelo M, Rebaudi A, Lynch SE, Nevins M. Three-dimensional micro-computed tomographic evaluation of periodontal regeneration: a human report of intrabony defects treated with Bio-Oss collagen. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2005; 25(4): 365-373.4.�Carmagnola D, Adriaens P, Berglundh T. Healing of human extraction sockets filled with Bio-Oss®. Clin Oral Impl Res 2003; 14(2):137-143.5.�Nevins M, Camelo M, De Paoli S, Friedland B, Schenk RK, Parma-Benfenati S, Simion M, Tinti C, Wagenberg B. A study of the fate of the buccal wall of extraction sockets of teeth with prominent roots. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2006; 26(1): 19-29. 6.�Araújo M, Linder E, Wennström J, Lindhe J. The influence of Bio-Oss Collagen on healing of an extraction socket: an experimental study in the dog. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2008;28(2):123-135.7.�Araújo MG, Lindhe J. Ridge preservation with the use of Bio-Oss collagen: A 6-month study in the dog. Clin Oral Implants Res 2009 ; 20(5): 433-440.8.�Lindhe J, Cecchinato D, Donati M, Tomasi C, Liljenberg B. Ridge preservation with the use of deproteinized bovine bone mineral. Clin Oral Implants Res 2013 ; Epub ahead of print.9.�Araújo MG, da Silva JC, de Mendonça AF, Lindhe J. Ridge alterations following grafting of fresh extraction sockets in man. A randomized clinical trial. Clin Oral Implants Res 2014; Epub ahead of print. 10.�Han JY, Shin SI, Herr Y, Kwon YH, Chung JH. The effects of bone grafting material and a collagen membrane in the ridge splitting technique: an experimental study in dogs. Clin Oral Implants Res 2011; 22(12): 1391-8. 11.�Hsu KM, Choi BH, Ko CY, Kim HS, Xuan F, Jeong SM. Ridge alterations following immediate implant placement and the treatment of bone defects with Bio-Oss in an animal model. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2012 ;14(5): 690-695.12.�Araújo MG, Linder E, Lindhe J. Bio-Oss collagen in the buccal gap at immediate implants: a 6-month study in the dog. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2011; 22(1): 1-8.13.�Hämmerle CH, Jung RE. Bone augmentation by means of barrier membranes. Periodontol 2000 2003; 33: 36-53.Bio-GideBio-Oss顆粒Bio-Oss CollagenClassⅡClassⅢ**頬側(mm)SLA粗面境界1mm下2mm下3mm下舌側(mm)頬側(mm)舌側(mm)頬側(mm)舌側(mm)頬側(mm)舌側(mm)0.4±0.60±01.9±1.41.9±0.41.1±0.50.1±0.22.7±1.02.7±0.21.1±0.50.4±0.33.1±0.83.3±0.31.1±0.30.7±0.53.5±0.63.7±0.4対照群(未填塞群)Bio-OssCollagen填塞群 SLA1mm2mm3mm図9-a、b 抜歯窩にBio-Oss Collagenを填塞する際には、Bio-Oss Collagenが固形でしかも形成が容易であり、抜歯窩や歯槽堤の形態維持に有効である。抜歯窩頬側壁が吸収していても、形態を維持しやすい。一方、Bio-Ossは顆粒状であり、抜歯窩に填塞する際にはコラーゲン膜にて顆粒の流出を防ぎ、スペースを作ることが推奨される。抜歯窩頬側壁が吸収している症例では、抜歯窩や歯槽堤の形態維持には注意が必要である。*HämmerleとJungの分類(2003)表15 スプリットクレスト法にてインプラント体を埋入し自家骨、Bio-Oss Collagen、Bio-Gideを用いて行った骨造成66Quintessence DENTAL Implantology─590


